The steps to cancel will depend on how you initially signed up.
If you signed up on the website, you can cancel your subscription by logging into your account and following the steps below.
Note: If you signed up and paid on the website, you can only cancel via the website (and not via apps).
Go to the settings menu in the top right corner of the screen and then click the to the subscription section.
- Select Cancel Subscription from the Manage Subscription drop down menu.
Please leave some feedback and then click 'Yes, cancel my account' at the bottom of the screen.
You will also receive an email confirmation.
If you did not receive a confirmation, double-check that your subscription shows as ‘Canceled’ in your settings.
When you cancel, your video access will exist until the next charging cycle, but you will not be further charged.
Note: If you’re unable to see those options on the Purchases settings page or otherwise have trouble managing your subscription, contact us and provide the last four digits of the card currently being charged or the email registered in the account and we’ll be able to help you further.
If you signed up within an Apple iOS or Apple TV app, follow the steps here:
If you signed up within a Google Play/Android app, follow the steps here:
Search the Help Center to find answers or, if you're still having trouble, email